
Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Good Afternoon!

This card will be entered into the Challenges at;

Scrapy Land, Anything Goes.
Simon Says Monday, Frame It.
Simon Says Wednesday, Anything Goes.

I used the Gina K Designs Wreath Builder Template and stamp sets to create this card.
Sets include; By The Sea 2, Gifts From The Sea and Stately Flowers 12.
Inks in; Bermuda Bay, Calypso Coral, Tempting Turquoise, Wild Wasabi and Raven Black.

Spellbinders Standard and Hearts Circles dies.
Simon Says Stamps Sunshine die.
Swiss Dots Embossing Folder.
Fussy cut starfish, colored with Copic Markers.

Just a fun card to so many.

Thanks for popping in.



  1. I love this! The colors are so pretty and your beachy wreath is adorable! Hello summer!

  2. This is so pretty! Your wreath is so sweet and makes me wish for warmer days to spend at the beach.

  3. Ok, when I saw this, I thought it looked like embroidery! Seriously! Love how you used the wreath builder and got this design. You are amazing and so is this card.

  4. Perfect way to use the wreath builder. The colors are so summer and beachy. Love it.

  5. So pretty and sunshiny. You did an amazing job with the wreath builder. I agree with Barbara, you and the card are amazing.

  6. very cool use of the wreath builder and the stamps you used, so neat and unique!

  7. Lovely card. Thanks for joining us on the Scrapy Land Die #114 Challenge.
