
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Baby Tim

Good Morning!

Today's card will be entered into the Challenge at Simon Says Wednesday, A Bit Of Sparkle.

This is a picture of my son-in-law, Tim around a year old.  You remember Tim, the Father To Be.  :)

Apparently this is when his love affair with Cardigans began!    I used the Papertrey Ink products; Polka Dot Parade #4, Love & Marriage, Fabulous Frames and the Designer Paper, Men Of Life.  Inks in Marina Mist and Pool Party.


 Penny Black Heart Strings die.  Sheer Blue Ribbon, Heart Button and Twine accents.  I had these little wooden stars which I painted blue and then doused in Glitter.  I dressed up the Teddy Bear using the Impression Obsession Retro Masculine die set, hat and bow tie--which Tim also loves. 

Here is the card I made a while ago for Lori.  It was about 2 weeks before her father and I even knew she was pregnant.  So cute!

Now I just have to make one for Hank, the dog.....and maybe in four short weeks we will know WHO will be next. 
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. How cute!! You are really having fun with being Nana-to-be. Can't wait to see what you do when the little prince/princess gets here....that is if you're not too busy spoiling him/her to make cards. lol

  2. These are so cute! They need to be framed or put into a scrapbook.

  3. How adorable!!!!! And what a sweet idea to make their baby pictures into cards! They're so cute -- I can't wait to see what they are "cooking" up lol! Congratulations to all of you. You will be one "grand" grandmother, giving and tender, laughing and gentle!!!

  4. Oh love this! What a great layout and the cardigan comment made me lol !!!

  5. So sweet and I bet you cannot wait. Can't wait to see the next card :)
    Thank you for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge x

  6. What a cute idea! These are both so adorable and I totally think you should make one for Hank too!

  7. Oh, how sweet! That is a cute idea indeed and will be fun to compare their pictures with their child's. I had to laugh at the cardigan comment you left. LOL

  8. How cute are these. I love the hat on the teddy bear and how the pictures are slightly askew. What a geat addition to the baby's room of scrapbook. Are you sayint that Lori isdue in 4 weeks?????

  9. Such a great idea! How cute does he look, I can't wait to see your next two makes in this series! xx

  10. that is too cute, love the little bow and hat on the bear, pretty shades of blues and love the heart banner!!

  11. I can see that you are going to have a lot of fun with the new baby. Even before it comes you are already doing that. I knew that this was Tim as soon as I saw the picture. What a cute idea. Loving the hat.

  12. These are so stinkin' CUTE! You are making some wonderful memories for that little one, and it's Mom and Dad. Such sweet cards, they just make me smile!!! Love that heart string die every time you use it!!!

  13. What can I say but awwww and both are super cute, I remember the one of your daughter, you must of had a premonition!!
