
Friday, April 1, 2016

Happy News!!!

This is NO April Fool's joke......I am proud and excited to finally be able to announce that I have been chosen to be a part of the Dies R Us Design Team!  WHAHOO!

If you haven't heard about Dies R Us before you are going to be so HAPPY you do now.  They have a fantastic STORE with fantastic prices!

Looking for a Challenge?  They've got that too.  A brand new one starts today, April 1st......Scallops!

Need a little crafting inspiration?  You'll find daily posts right here at the Dies R Us Blog.  That's where you'll find me the second half of the month, on Mondays!

You can also head on over to our Face Book Page!  Be sure to 'like' us and get all of our notifications so you don't miss out on any of the FUN!

Dies can be such an important part of our card making, look at the HAPPY Mail I just received!
So many brands, so many wonderful choices.
Hope you'll come and play along!


  1. Woot woot!!!! Congratulations to you, Donna!!! Cannot wait to see what beautiful things you create! Wish I'd seen this would be fun being teamies again! Hugs....

  2. Yea, you are so good with dies...great choice!

  3. Great news Donna! Congratulations, you do such beautiful work.

  4. I started following you to see your fun die projects! :) Congrats

  5. Well, look at you! Congratulations!

  6. You are going to have so much fun! That is a great array of dies too! I am so happy for you! Congrats my friend!

  7. Congratulations Donna! So happy to "meet" a fellow team mate. You've got lots of great dies to play with there!!

  8. Congratulations Donna!!! I am excited because I too, was selected to be on Team B for Dies R Us! Really happy to have you as a sister! :) I joined your blog via email and look forward to getting to know you better!

    ♥ Jo's Scrap Shack ♥

  9. Congratulations. Wow look at all those awesome dies. I have been trying to add to my die collection, so I will check out the store. You are a very talented lady and I am so glad that I met you on the message board. I always look forward to seeing your creations.

    Love and Prayers,

  10. Oh boy, are you gonna have fun with all those dies!!! I can't live without my dies and my Big Shot, they are so important to a perfect card. Can't wait to see what you create!!!! Congrats!

  11. What awesome news!! I hadn't heard of this group/site/company before. Love that the dies are from different companies. Big congratulations to you--can't wait to see what you create!!!

  12. Congratulations Donna!! You certainly are very talented, and deserve this because you make some of the most wonderful cards that I have seen!! I think you were born to craft!! :)

  13. Way to go girl! That is awesome news. I always love your cards so I am sure you will make Dies R Us very proud with your creations!

  14. Congratulations! They are lucky to have you!!

  15. Congratulations my dear friend. I am so far behind with comments, but I have to start here. You are so deserving of this honor. Can't wait to see you soar to new heights. I noticed that Birgit will be with you on this team. Have fun, I know you will.

  16. Congratulations!!! They are so lucky to have you on their team. You, my dear, are on your way to the top.
