
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Father's Day Nautical

Good Morning!  A very good morning.....Blog Candy below.....part 2.

Today's card will be entered into the Challenges at MFT Sketch and ScrapyLand, Anything Goes!

I used a few dies form MFT's Blueprints #12, this set has so many different dies, makes card making a breeze!  I first die cut the 'life ring' out using the larger 2 different sized circles.  Then I wrapped with thin Jute Twine.  Mounted that on to a Spellbinders Classic Circle die, textured using a Swiss Dots Embossing Folder.  Sentiment stamped onto the 'banner flag' die is from Gina K Designs, By The Sea.  I also created smaller 'flag banners' and strung them on fancy Baker's Twine.  Added one to the life ring center for accent.

Designer Papers by Craftsmith; Sea Glass and DCWV; Glitter BasicsNight Of Navy ink.
*********  BIG Announcement!!!  *******
 This month begins my 4th year in the Blog-O-Sphere, so let's have some more BLOG CANDY!!!!  Each Sunday over this month I will have a little something for you to win.  Today's crafty goodness is this sweet little set from Gina K Designs, Got Snow?  I would love to pass it along to one lucky is brand new and has never touched ink!

I know what you're thinking, great a set for snow time fun....unfortunately for many of you, you probably still have some snow around....we also have snow in the it does make sense.  

Just leave a comment on this post to be eligible to win, that's hoops to jump through, nothing to count, just leave a comment.  I will announce all of the winners at the end of the month.
It may be easier to see if you win by joining my site and following via email....just sayin'
Thanks so much for coming by!


  1. Hi, Donna! I'm here today for a number of reasons! LOL First of all, what a fantastic take on that sketch, and an oh-so-imaginative use of the circles! How did you even think of a nautical scene? IT'S GORGEOUS and AWESOME! I love the tiniest of details, like the twine, papers, and banners - Your card has been posted to my nautical board. LOL

    Congratulations on your 4th blogaversary! Wow! Your cards are always so imaginative, I look forward to at least 4 more years, teamie!

    Now, for my other reasons -

    Donna, "Wild Thing! You made my heart Sing!" LOL from the old song in the 70s (or was it the 60s?) LOL

    Thank you for all your visits to my blog and leaving such sweet comments. You really brightened my day! When I clicked reply on the comments to thank you, alas, it came up "no reply email" -- made me sad. oh-so-sad. LOL Did you know you can update your blogger profile to enable email address? It will let people reply to your comments.

    So I visited your Google + profile to try to find how to contact your there - but your blog and email are not enabled on that either. Then I was really, REALLY sad. LOL LOL - you can also update your + profile to show those things. It will help people find you to respond to comments, or to return the favor of a blog visit. Just thought you'd like to know.

    So I found you on the DRU DT list LOL no one ever said I was not persistent.

    And finally FINALLY (are you ready to be rid of me yet?) FINALLY

    Thanks for INSPIRING us at the {Scrapy Land Challenge}! Hope to see your pretty projects again soon!
    crafty hugs,
    Donna (the other one)

  2. How fun that you are doing a giveaway. I MUST figure one out soon...great way to get people to join your blog site too. Anyway, I LOVE this card. All the elements just go together so well. And that life ring is to die clever to wrap the twine around it. LOVE your banners too, and that background paper is perfect.

  3. OMGoodness; again you rock with a nautical card. I absolutely love this. How fun that you're doing a giveaway....I hope I'm lucky, I hope I'm lucky ;)

  4. I love your card Donna and how you've interpreted the sketch. Fabulous card for a fella!

  5. Congrats on 4 years Donna! Love your nautical card. It gives the feeling of warmer weather!

  6. Love cards I see with a sketch. Your nautical card is the perfect one for the man. Love the porthole. Great stamp set! Congratulations on reaching the 4 year mark.

  7. Seriously, you do nautical like no one else. love the card that you did here. All of the colors are matchy matchy, and I love the life ring. Is it beacuse you live so close to the water, or because your are just so talented. Yeah, talented! Congrats on your 4 years.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Your card is beautiful.


  9. Wow! Your nautical Father's Day card is amazing!! I love everything about it.

  10. I love that card you created with the sketch. That is so cool! Also congrats on your fourth year. I wish you another fantastic year ahead too. And, thanks for a chance to win a prize too. That is a set I never saw before.


  11. Four years!!! I can remember when you started to blog. You started telling us at Stamp TV that if we wanted details to go over to your blog. Congratulations for haveing one of the most fun blogs ever. I love reading what you have to say everyday and always go away smiling. As for your card. I agree with everyone else. You do nautical like no one else.

  12. What a gorgeous nautical father's day card sweet pea! Love the colors you chose and the designer paper! Have a Blessed day! Hugs

  13. Fabulous Father's Day card Donna! Love it, and of course the nautical theme ;)

  14. I love this! Great subject matter and great colors...gorgeous masculine card!

  15. I LOVE this wonderful masculine, nautical card! I also LOVE the Blog Candy! How sweet of you! Living at the beach, I'm instantly attracted to nautical cards (like a magnet), and you always do a fantastic job on them!
