
Friday, February 12, 2016

Water Color.....

.....(will be the death of me)


This card will be entered into the Challenge at Power Poppy, Switch Up Your Shades, to use a different color medium than you typically use and at Simon Says Monday, Spritz And Spray.

Everyone always makes water coloring look so easy, so artsy, so well done....mine, without fail, always turns into a muddled mess......oy vay!

I used the Flourishes stamp set, Roses Are Red.  Love the way the background was colored and created.  The rose images are not great.  BUT I will persever and head on over to Youtube and figure this out!  (I hope!)

Just a few spritzes of Black ink, Pearl Ex and water for accent......that is all.
Please feel free to leave any and all suggestions! (and be kind)  ;)


  1. Hey - I think you did a fine job with your watercoloring. It's NOT an easy medium, and good for you for trying it out. And yes, YouTube is the perfect place to watch how others do the technique. Anyway, I love your design, and YES your coloring here. And I would never have thought to splatter with black, but it's PERFECT!!!!!

  2. I’m glad you persevered too! It’s lovely! Your background is beautifully done. Here’s some things I’ve art teacher in HS always told us to “leave white space” with watercoloring for your highlights. I also find that less water is really helpful when it comes to the main image, you can control the bleed a lot more. And, a paper towel close by to blot when you get too much water is helpful too. Keep going Donna! It’s totally why it’s great to practise at new mediums, soon you’ll be a master :) Thanks so much for joining us this month at Power Poppy!

    1. Thanks for all of the advice...I ALWAYS have a hard time leaving ANY white space no matter the medium....sigh.... :)

  3. It sure is a beautiful image. Love how it made your whole card. Yes, it takes practice and it looks like you're off to a good start. Christine had some great suggestions. My favorite inks to stamp the image in are Ranger Archival or Palette hybrid. Let them dry and they won't bleed or fade away when you watercolor. I would love to see more of your watercolors, Donna. Looks to me like you've got a good thing going! I'm always happy to see your creations in our Power Poppy challenges. Thanks for playing along!

  4. The thing that is helping me with this is the white gel pen. Now you can go back and add the white to very select areas of your petals. I, too, have the leave no area un-colored syndrome. Get those big roses nailed down and you got this in aces (the other flowers and background are sensational).

    1. I actually took a Clear Star Glitter Pen and traced over the roses....I will try the white next. And I was going to re-stamp the roses, fussy cut them out and apply....but that just sounded like too much work lol

  5. Your water coloring is impressive. Seriously. It just looks like there is too much water on the roses. The rest is great. You got some good advice, I don't need to add anything. I love the you went out of the box with the black splatters. Check out Dawn here.

    1. Definitely too much water AND too much coloring! Thanks for the video, I'll grab some more coffee and watch it. :)

  6. I really like it Donna! Don't be too critical of yourself it is not easy that's why I like the Inktense pencils but I suppose they are really not considered to be a proper water colour medium.

  7. I love the colors you chose as they have the really soft look to them. Like you, I tend to over color things. And, I agree with all the above suggestions. In fact, I swipe my brush off each time a bit to get less water. So don't give up. I have difficulties getting a great look like others do too! I guess it takes some practice to get the awesome look many achieve. I am still practicing. LOL

  8. This isn't muddled! Don't be so hard on yourself! I love the way you spritzed the background. Neat card!

  9. It's not so easy to make watercolor card! your work is well done, the background is beautiful and the roses too! Thanks for joining us this week on Simon Says Monday Challenge Blog! Barbara

  10. I think you did a great job. I have not been brave enough to try this yet. lol Beautiful colors!
