
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Butterfly Love

Well hello! 

I trust you all survived the Holidays.  Ours were just lovely, but I am glad that they are over, turning the calendar on a new page, a bright clean slate!  I always love this time of year....the beginning when ALL things are possible.  Happy New Year!

This card will be entered into the Challenges at Papertrey Ink, Adding Color To Stamped Images and Mod Squad, One Die Cut, hosted by the ever popular Kathy Krug   Head on over to her Blog and read about some very exciting news she has going on!  ;)

I had fun with this card, so nice to use fresh bright colors......Christmas was so last year lol.  I used the Papertrey Ink stamp and dies set, Flower Favorites (butterflies), stamp set, Daydreamer (colorful dots) and the Swoosh die (word die cuts). 
I cut out the butterflies completely, stamped the images and then colored a bit deeper color outlining the butterflies (kind of hard to see).  I then added a crease and mounted them on the negative space of the card stock, lined with black card stock underneath.....they kind of POP a bit more like this!  I also added a bit of Wink Of Stellar Clear to the single yellow dots.
Thanks so much for popping rush right on over to wish Kathy future success!


  1. Lots of bright colors on this and I like how you used the two "swoosh" dies - very clever!

  2. What a bright and fun card it!! And I like how you put the black behind the butterflies so they pop more...great idea! :0)

  3. This is just so fun, bright & cheerful, I love it. I especially like how you "popped" the butterflies.

  4. Super card! Love the depth on the butterflies, and how they look like they're flying right off the card!

  5. Gorgeous Donna! Love the popped out butterflies. And the way you used the colors, with the pops of black, so effective!

  6. I feel like a duck out of water this morning, after all of the travel and excitement of the holidays. No better way to get back to normal than to check out some of my buddies blog and make comments. Love your take on this challenge. The colors are so bright and the butterflies really Pop done like that. Thanks for the motivation. Almost settled here and then I can get going. I did know about Kathy, wonderful isn't it?

  7. It is a bright, fun card Donna! Isn't it wonderful to be stamping in beautiful, fun colors again? The black behind the butterflies really makes the pop!

  8. I love this. Mostly because I think it's so striking to have those butterflies in a row vertically on the card. I always love that look. Your colors are awesome, so bright and so NOT Christmas. Very refreshing!! I think I need to CASE this card!!!

  9. Love all the fresh colors too and Judy is right that row of butterflies is fabulous. How very clever of you to position them so you could use one piece of card for this creation. I really love how you used the black in the negative areas, Makes those butterflies pop. Thanks for the plug for the Double D blog. I have learned a lot from Darlene already. The girls have really worked hard on this blog, and wait until you see what the team members have done for inspiration. The first two challenges are up on the side bar of the challenge blog so when you are making cards keep them in mind, and drop over to Scrapy Land next Wednesday to check out the challenge. I created the very first card that I have ever made that I would not change a thing. Well at least this week. Suddenly this became about me and not you. SORRY. Love the card and those sentiments. Thanks for joining us at the Mod Squad Challenge this week.

    1. I think my post was about you, so I am happy to read anything and everything you have to say and share! ;) I will check it all out, I would probably follow you to the ends of the earth! :)

  10. Oh, Donna - this is over the moon beautiful! It's amazing what using one die cut in a simple but attractive design can do!!! I'll bet the wink of stella really adds to this stunning card ♥

  11. So pretty and Springy! Love the bright colors and fun design!
