
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Make It Monday

Good Afternoon!  Just another working

Today's card is for the Challenge over at PaperTrey Ink # 173, No Outline Watercolor.  Sounds easy, right?  Not for me.....might as well be a CAS Challenge.  lol

Heather Nichols has a wonderful VIDEO and her card comes out beautifully, like a Parisian piece of art left in the rain.  (love that look!).  I may have to watch this video again and again. 
I used the PTI stamp sets, Ruby Reprise and Tag-It's #2 for this card.  I also used my new Derwent Watercolor Pencils--these things are truly awesome, just wish I had more time to work with them.  In the Fall I shall.   I stamped the flower image in Antique Linen ink and then colored each flower.  When dry I added Liquid Pearl centers.  Nothing fancy!
I do love the look of Heather's card and the entries as well, so I will have to practice, practice, practice!
Hope you are all having a wonderful day, thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love the softness of the colors on all the flowers, the pearl centers are a nice touch, too!

  2. I would agree that this technique is harder than it looks. But I love the look. Your card is so soft and really looks like a close up of a bouquet of flowers. Love it.

  3. I'm envious that you even had any time at all to do a card. My Mojo is getting really itchy and I just can't seem to find the time to get rid of it. lol!!! Your card is so pretty. Great take on the challenge, you nailed it my friend. Love your colors and layout too. And the pearls are just the perfect final touch.

  4. What a lovely card. Love all the fantastic colors on it.

  5. Donna, we are haunting the same sites, I saw Heather's video too and loved her card. You did a wonderful job with this technique, love the soft colors on your card. Beautifully done and a good example of this pretty technique.

  6. True beauty! Love all the soft flowers and the pearl centers! Can't say that I've ever done no outline or watercolor before. So you did a great job on this not so easy technique! Have a Blessed day sweet pea! XO

  7. Hey girlfriend, you have another winner here. This is beautiful!! I've never done no outline or water color, that's way beyond my talent.

  8. Love seeing new to me techniques...going to have to give this a whirl...thanks for the inspiration and your card looks fabulous!!!

  9. Beautiful and so soft looking Donna! Love that technique
