
Thursday, July 17, 2014

About Face

Good Morning!  Hope all is well in cyber space.

Today's card is for the Simon Says Monday Challenge, About Face.   I chose to use the Bloomer Set from Art Impressions.   This set cracks me up and I am giving this card to my Mom so she can send it to one her most favorite gal pals, Val......say that 10 times fast!  lol

hahaha she cracks me up!  I think this is how every adult woman looked to me as a kid in my neighborhood.....let's just hope none of them are reading this post.  lol

The inside of my card looks like this:

The cool thing about this set is that it comes with one of those little 'gizmos', Action Wobble Springs, that you can attach to image and card base that make it go BOING!  How fun!!!  Images colored with Copic Markers.  Quite a CAS card, but may just bring a super smile to Val.

Thanks for coming by.  Work is CRAZY, but will end at some point.  Hope you all are doing am exhausted!  lol



  1. So glad you had time from your busy days to creat this cute and funny card. Love the Art Impression stamps. And the wiggle, well, need I say any more! Sweet.

  2. Here is the "e" that I forgot on the word create!

  3. Bahaha - oh, I so NEED this stamp set. Too, too funny. Love your coloring, and the CAS style with just the image on the front. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this card, and so will Val!!!!

  4. What a hoot!! I love, love, love it. I'm heading over to Art Impressions right now

  5. That is cool and so funny! Great card idea.

  6. This is so funny and so true! Love it Donna!

  7. This is such a beautiful and fun creation! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)
