
Saturday, February 15, 2014

What Wood You Make?

Good Saturday Morning!  

Oh what a fun day.....a blizzard is coming, a blizzard is coming, a blizzard is coming.....ugh!  It's okay, I've got all my crafty supplies and I am attempting to make my Nana Sylvia's Cinnamon Rolls this afternoon.   None of us ever got her actual recipe as it was always a pinch of this and a pinch of that......what a shame!  But I will try, let's just hope we don't lose power!

Today's card is for the Flourishes WOOD You Be Mine, to add some type of wood element to your project, and despite the title it does not have to be a Valentine--as that is so yesterday--literally!  :)  I am also entering this into the Sketch Challenge over at My Favorite Things.

And the Mod Squad Blog Challenge, Think Spring!

The stamped image is from one of my favorites, Dahlias.  The sentiment is from the Cottage Home set.  Both available from Flourishes.  I love coloring these images, especially when I think of all that snow fast approaching!  If I lock myself in my little craft room coloring I should be able to weather the storm.  :)
I added a little wooded flower I picked up at Michael's and colored it with a Copic marker, added some Stickles and a little green button.   This card is going to one of my oldest and bestest friends who also shares my name.   I have known the 'other' Donna for almost 40 can that be?  And like all girlfriends, it doesn't matter how long the time passes before we see each other next, we just pick up right where we left off.  I am so thankful to have her in my life.....she has, in part, made me who I am.  Love her to pieces!!!
I'll let you know how we make out today, could be only 10 inches could be 2 feet, way to narrow down that prediction!  HA!
Thanks for popping in!


  1. This is just so GORGEOUS!! I love all the bright, sunny colors!! And your coloring is superb. Just beautiful!!!!!!

  2. SUPERB JOB!!!!!!!!! (I've got one of those friends too!!! ;) I think they are FEW & FAR BETWEEN!!!) :)

  3. What a fun Spring card with that perfect wooden flower to boot! Love the colors you chose and the vellum accent! Thanks for playing along with us this week at the Timeless Tuesday Challenge!
