
Sunday, January 5, 2014

With A Grateful Heart

I am having a lot of fun playing with my brand new stamps from Papertrey Ink.  This card uses the stamp set Lovely Layers, I also bought the matching dies, makes life so much easier!

Another card for their Challenge #146, Angled Backgrounds.  Kind of hooked on this little technique.  Decided on a black and white theme with just a hint of pale pink.  The papers are from Echo Park, Be Mine.  It is hard to see but I did stamp the large black leaves with a smaller vine leaf with white ink.  Black ink on the grey petals, and a grey and white polka dot center, topped with a black/grey/pink designer brad.  I LOVE that sentiment and hope to wake up each morn with that thought in my head and heart!  I love the layered flower, really could be used for so many styles, Spring Flowers, Poinsettias, etc.  I am sure I will be playing a lot with this stamp and die set.
That's it for today.  Guess I better dig out my shorts, just in case the weathermen are right!  lol


  1. Great just the hint of pink with all the black, white, and gray! :0)

  2. You are having fun and each one gets better and better. I have no PTI stamps, just those dies. Do you think that would work for this challenge?

  3. I'm starting to think that you must be making cards in your sleep , because you are on a ball SP! Beautiful color paper's and you sure can use that die for many things!

  4. I love this card in black and white! I still haven't tried this technique, but today may be the day. So snowed in and the temps are dangerously cold. Thank goodness we still have our power. Enjoy your day!

  5. This is my favorite, favorite of you angled backgrounds....I think. Actually, come to think of it, they're all my favorite ;)
