
Sunday, January 19, 2014


Who's got the button?  I do!  Several as a matter of fact!  This card was inspired by good old Pinterest!
This card actually reminds me of a dress my daughter wanted to buy in first grade.  It was all primary colors and not to my liking, so I wouldn't buy it for her.  And don't you know the first day of first grade some other little girl on the bus was wearing it???  I like to think I saved her from that embarrassment of wearing the same outfit.....she still doesn't see it that way.....hahaha
This card is for the Flourishes #254, Button Up Challenge and the Curtain Call Jan 15, Love Letter Challenge.
The stamp set is Just My Type, from Flourishes. All of the buttons and Baker's Twine were in my stash, lucky!   A little Stickles on the heart and lots of pop dots to adhere the button panel to the card base.  You know this will cost me $2.07 to mail now!  :)
Thanks for stopping by!  (and Lori if you're reading this, I am sorry about the dress!) xoxo


  1. Donna this is fabulous I love the blocks on non-traditional colours. Thank you so much for joining us at the Curtain Call!

  2. Button, Button, You got the button! Did you ever play that game? I am probably dating myself! This is such a cute, colorful, and playful card. You did a great job on it. I really like the Heart button in the center.

  3. Great card!!! I love your daughter's dress choice story! I'm sure she would have totally rocked it wearing such a bright ensombel! Looks like I need to go back to school...tried 4 ways to spell ansomble!

  4. Donna, this card is adorable! And, love that story about your daughter to go along with it. :) You are Rockin' that Just My Type set! Fabulous! Thanks for playing along...AGAIN...with us in this week's Timeless Tuesday Challenge! 8~D

  5. That is a great stamp and I love the rainbow of buttons! Why mail it--give it to your hubby on V Day ;)

  6. This is just so stinkin' CUTE!!!!! And that's all I have to say about that. Love, love, love all the wonderful colors. I might have to print this one out for inspiration!!

  7. I agree with Judy.....just so stinkin' CUTE! Love all of the great colors and those buttons!

  8. Cute, cute, cute!!! Love the bright colors and buttons....and especially love the story about your daughter. My daughter (40) still hasn't forgiven me for always having her wear dresses with matching bows in her hair LOL

  9. What a colorful and fun card! Love all the button trim on it too!

  10. Love this! Great way to use buttons and so darn cute too. Bet I'd have liked that dress LOL

  11. Darling card as usual Donna, but boy have you opened up a can of worms with your daughters dress story. Amy (42) still tells me of her horrors growing up and the fact that the fashion statements I imposed on her has left her scared for life!

  12. Oh my goodness, what a fun card Donna. I love how you changed up the button in the middle with a heart. Very clever girl!

  13. What a sweet card Donna. Love the colorful panels and matching buttons. Super cute! Thank you for playing along with us at Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge.
