
Thursday, December 26, 2013

.....these are a few of my favorite things.....

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things......and then there are all of the wildly talented card making friends I have met along the way.

Not sure you all know this but, my birthday is actually ON Christmas.  Now, before you start thinking, oh that's awful, you get gypped.....let me just say I have never known anything different, but I do feel quite special in sharing this particular day.  I was born 3 weeks early, apparently being the youngest of four, I was NOT going to miss out on this Christmas oh so long ago (52 years to be exact!).  There happened to be a blizzard that day, babysitters were called in to help with my 3 siblings, as our neighbor George plowed a way down the grassy hill, walking, while my Dad piggy-backed my Mother to the waiting police car below.  At this point in the story my Mother likes to say, and the policeman driving said aloud, how thankful he was to have the 'added weight' in the backseat!  How's that for a story?  :)

Now back to present day.  As we all know the Holidays can be a stressful time of year, making lists, checking them twice, cleaning and cooking and baking, making cards, and writing cards, and actually sending them all out in a timely manner, never mind the endless shopping and gift wrapping.

I just have to say how touched and amazed I have felt over the past few days (well ALL year long really) at all the love I have been finding in my mailbox.  I have 'met' a wonderful bunch of ladies who took the time and effort and added me to their card giving list.  Not only for Christmas cards but for my birthday as well.  Beautifully handcrafted cards made with love.  I would like to share a few of them with you!  So grab a cup of your favorite beverage, kick your feet up, sit back and enjoy!

Beautiful Triple Stamping Technique by Gerry Morse
One of my very most favorite stamp sets,
especially with a Red Cardinal, by Angie Schmidt
Fabulous commemorative dated card, complete with music and a cupcake,
by my wonderful sister, Carol Tague
 A fun and festive celebration card
made by the one and only Nancy Leppek
Who puts the JOY (my most favorite word ever!) in every card she makes?
Why that would be Barbara Campbell
And last but not least.........
This completely over the moon adorable card by Judy Woodland
I dare you to count those layers, another favorite technique of mine
You have all made me feel so loved with your kindness and talent.  Each card is so different and yet all so beautiful.  I know the time and talent and the love that went into each and everyone of them.....for that I am thankful.....I am lucky to have met you and I am blessed to call you my friends.
Thank you all so very much!  May the love you have shown me follow you throughout your days.  I wish you peace and joy, love and laughter, health and prosperity to you all (and to all who are reading this as well) in the new year and for all of your days to come.
Thank you!



  1. Awww...this is so sweet! Loved the story about your arrival! Thanks for making me smile today friend! HUGS and Happy New Year!

  2. Whoa - you were really blessed. Thanks so much for sharing all your beautiful cards. I love every single one of them. And the story about your arrival was so fun. You came into the world with a bang and have been going strong ever since - lol. XOXO~

    1. hahaha don't you know it! Your friendship means more than words could ever say! You are my devilish.....okay maybe angelic twin! xo~

  3. This is such a sweet post. Thanks for sharing all of your cards and for the very interesting way that you came in to this world. You have been a whirlwind ever since. So glad to have met you and I look forward to continued friendship and many more birthdays!

    1. You betcha! Friends for life.....and what a good life (knock on wood) we have! You're a true friend so glad we all found each other!

  4. I remember that Christmas. When Dad got back from the hospital, he told the boys and I we had a new baby sister. While I'm sure I was happy, I do remember thinking: Now I have to share my bedroom. Love the cards your friends have sent you.

    1. I also remember the story of Jimmy asking why Santa didn't leave me under the tree and Kenny replying, because she would have kicked the wrappings off! lol Love ya! xoxo

    2. You always have been feisty........would you enjoy a bedtime story? Love and miss you.

  5. I just knew there was an amazing story of how you came into this world....and you probably would have kicked all the wrappings off lol
    Thanks for posting all the beautiful cards my special friend

    1. I have always felt that friendship is a 2 way street, I just hope I give as lovely as I get! ;)

  6. Happy Birthday Donna! I love your story! My mom got to spend Christmas in the hospital twice. My brother was born the 20th and my sister the 24th. Me on the other hand was born in April. Gorgeous cards by everyone!

    1. We have a ton of family birthdays in December, out of the 4 kids, me my 2 brothers and 1 sister, 3 are in December, 5th, 25th, and today the 29th.

  7. I finally made it on here it was a crazy week last week! Finally got some rest and no more midnight shifts till next year! Thanks for sharing the story about how you came into this world, such a great story! And what beautiful cards you got from everyone! Don't you just feel so loved and special to have met so many wonderful cyber friends! Love ya my dear! Thanks for being so sweet! God Bless you always! Happy New year SP! xoxo

    1. I do, I feel VERY loved! God Bless you as well my dear friend! xo~
