
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow....

But only on Christmas Eve, Christmas Morning and New Year's Eve......AFTER everyone is where they should be.  Yup, that works!

A nice snowy wreath for you today in celebration of the upcoming season and for the Impression Obsession, Challenge Holiday Cards, Tags & Gifts.

My card uses a beautiful wreath from Impression Obsession.  (I believe)  I bought several un-mounted red rubber stamps a few years ago and do not have any of the packaging nor the proper names of the stamps.  I am trying to track them down now, so when I do I will edit this post and others if necessary.

Lately I have found myself making Christmas cards in the non-traditional colors.  As you can see here, I have used a great deal of red and yellow.  The stamp was colored with many various Copic markers, fun and tedious all at once.  After coloring, I took my handy dandy glue ink pad by Tsukineko and patted the image all over the glue pad, making sure to cover the entire colored image. Then I shook about a cup full of Recollections (Michael's Brand) Extra Fine Glitter in Glitz.  Shook off the excess and then sprayed Krylon Workable Fixatiff all over that, to ensure that ALL of that glitter stays on the card and doesn't end up in the envelope.  I love the Fixatiff, works like a charm.  If you do use it, spray outside as it has a powerful odor.  Potent!  But the odor does not stay on the card, which is always a plus!  I then heat set it all so I could work with a dry image.  I also added some Liquid pearls to the little berry images, gives it a 3D effect.  Added a ribbon and bow, and done!

I have been covering EVERYTHING lately in glitter, it looks so great in real life!
So I don't mind the snow as long at it's on a card, or on special days and nights.  What's not to love?
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. BEAUTIFUL!! You colored it so perfectly with non-traditional Christmas colors, it just shouts Christmas. I agree there should be snow Christmas Eve, Christmas morning & New Years Eve...once everyone's staying put to celebrate.

  2. Gorgeous card Donna! I love the sugar coated wreath! Looks fabulous!

  3. Your beech is looking so Christmasy. All of the beautiful cards you have made recently. Is that like a lighthouse I see on the wreath?

  4. Great card! Love this IO stamp too, I don't think I have seen this one yet. Love the glitter. :) Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous wreath my dear! Love all the glitter and that beautiful bow! I don't mind the cold or snow as long as I don't have to drive in it with people that don't know how to drive in it !This stamp is called Nautical Wreath! Have a Blessed day!

    1. Thanks so much, Angie....(duh, doesn't that make sense!) :)

  6. Love this stamp. Perfect for you....that seagull just made me smile. I am really liking the glitter you are doing. Love me some glitter. I need to get some of that Fixative. And I think your non-traditional colors work wonderfully for this image. Well done.

  7. Okay you enabler you....I know what I want in my stocking..a glue pad and some Fixatiff....I hope santa knows what that stuff is! BTW..your card is the non traditional colors myself!
