
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy Saturday

Good Morning!  And what a HAPPY Saturday it is.  My last working Saturday of the season, whahoo!  I have survived!

Today's card is for the Flourishes #235 Challenge, In Distress.....and for the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge, Anything Goes

I made a 'pocket' of sorts, by just pulling back a corner of designer paper which is adhered to my stamped image base.  So I guess I would call this card, a pocket full of posies.   The stamp is by Flourishes, Chrysanthemums, just a beautifully detailed stamp set.   The sentiment was cut out using Spellbinders, Fancy Ribbons die.  Edges of the DP and card stock have been distressed with ink, and I also roughed up the edges a bit with a file.  Brad and ribbon round out the card.

Thanks for stopping by.

I hope you ALL have a very HAPPY Saturday!  Enjoy~~


  1. What a great idea! I never would have thought to fold the paper back like that.....I love it! I, also, love that gorgeous Chrysanthemums stamp. I have one on the way to my house, as we speak. lol Good luck with your challenges. I think you have a winner here!

  2. WOW!!! you outdid yourself on this one. Great idea folding back the corner of the it

  3. Your card is beautiful.Going to have to try this idea,Thanks for sharing:)

  4. Fabulous card, I love the color scheme and those flowers! The fold of the paper is so very smart! Great job! :)

    Thanks for joining us at the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge!

  5. Love the fold over of the paper Donna...very clever! Love the flowers peeking out! Great card Donna! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. I love how you folded the paper back to expose the beautiful flowers! Great card! It's great to have you join us for the Flourishes Timeless Tuesday challenge!

  7. Sensational idea Donna - love this design ;)

  8. Love your Pocket full of posies!! Great idea to fold over the corner, and beautiful fall colours! Congrats on having some time off, now :)

  9. Great design Donna! Love the corner and the stamp. Beautiful fall colors.
