
Tuesday, May 28, 2013


First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes.......well you get the idea.....and probably will be singing this all day long.  You're Welcome!  :)

It's almost June and you know what that means?  Wedding season!  Here are a few of my most recent Wedding cards.

I made this card for the JUGS#190 Color Challenge and for the SSSC#185 Sketch Challenge:

Stamp Sets:  A Year Of Flowers 2, Petals & Wings
My next card is one I made for a wedding my daughter will be attending.  I was 'gifted' a stacked set of wooden drawers filled with lots of lace, and flowers, ribbon, and many sparkly things.  It also had these 'floral picks', pearls on wires, easily bent into different shapes.  Maneuvered one into a heart to add a loving embellishment.   A little scrunched up pink tulle and ribbon, toss in some pearls and ta da! 
Stamp set:  True Love
My final wedding card is for my Nephew's Wedding in July.  I have tried something new.  I have been playing with this idea for awhile and bought those really small canvases they sell at most craft stores.  I think these measure 3"x3", have six in a package and probably were less than $5.  I used Memento Tuxedo Black ink, heat set it,  and colored with Copics.  I found the more I colored the more the black ink dissolved and disappeared.  I had to retouch the Groom's face.....please tell me he doesn't look like he is scowling?  Right?  lol  I then mounted that as the focal portion of my card, adding the 'hanging ribbon' giving the effect of a piece of artwork hanging on a wall.  Well, at least that is what I was going for.  :)   I hope the Bride & Groom like this, I kind of love the whole idea. 
Her dress is all silver glitter and her 'rock' is an adhesive rhinestone.  I added the 'picture perfect' sentiment so they would think artwork.....subtle......very subtle. 
Stamp sets:  Mr. & Mrs. Diva
And after all of these weddings I have a feeling it will be year of the babies.  I actually have a baby shower to go to on Sunday.  The Mommy-To-Be is having a boy, what JOY!
Stamp set:  Mommy To Be Diva
Ahhhh Spring is in the air!
And thanks for stopping by!



  1. First of all I am thrilled with your take on the photo challenge over at JUGS...your card is gorgeous...Love that flower...The pearl heart in the corner of your next card is soooo cool! Next up ...the canvas idea is brilliant and the groom looks that sparkly wedding dress...and finally the baby card is pretty that DP and the lace bottom. You have been a busy lady! Take care!

  2. Adorable idea with the canvas. The bride and groom are gonna love it. All your cards are super, love what you're doing with the divas!! And no, the groom is NOT scowling. He looks very happy...LOL. I hate when I'm coloring with alcohol markers and the ink smears, but I think you recovered it well. Oh, and I really like the gray and yellow one. Gorgeous!!

  3. Beautiful mix of papers and elements using the insp. picture! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls this week. Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls this week.

  4. Well hello Donna! I just discovered you have a blog and with lots of your wonderful creations. Nicely done. I would follow you, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I did the add to circles thing, but it didn't seem to work. Good luck on the blog.

  5. Very pretty work! You have such lovely creations!

  6. These are all beautiful. Your mom to be is just darling, love the rose and no he is not scowling. hee hee
